Thursday, October 15, 2009
This Morning I Met Donnie
This morning I met Donnie. I was on my way to grab some lunch with Pastor Tony and my son Chandler today when coming up the sidewalk talking to anyone who would hear him was Donnie. He is a homeless guy who came to Greenville because his mother had passed away. Donnie sat his trash bag of clothes and his umbrella down on the sidewalk. As he started telling us about his journey I began to suspect a need would follow. He went along for several minutes and then started telling us about Jesus. How Jesus was the Son of God and He came to Earth to save us all. Donnie basically quoted John 3:16. He added how his strength to carry on and make it in life came from the Lord. How the Lord helped those in need by putting people around him that would help. He pulled his Bible out of his pocket and began to read some of John 1. Donnie also shared that the Lord had gave him his calling to preach the Word and that one day he hoped to fulfill his calling. He then asked if we could pray and we said yes and I was thinking I'm about to pray for him, when he starts praying. Thanking the Lord for Jesus and thanking the Lord for our meeting each other. He also prayed for his family and our family and asked the Lord to bless us. I was thinking WOW! I was able to get him in the right direction for some help from a place that helps the homeless called United Ministries. I have been thinking of how the Lord is using him now. He is already preaching and telling people about Jesus. I am blessed to have met Donnie today and hope to get to see him again. The message is Christ and the messenger can be anyone. Lord, please keep Donnie safe and warm, and give him a place to rest his head. Bless him and prosper him in Jesus name.