I don't have academic qualifications. I'm not a great writer of our time. I'm not a famous debater. I'm not a philosopher. I'm not even the best teacher in my office right now (I'm alone). I am terrified of the thought to stand in front of people and teach them about Jesus. I don't like the spot light nor do I want it. So, why me Lord? Why call me personally to teach and preach the Gospel?
"God's foolishness is wiser than man's wisdom and human strength can't begin to compete with God's weakness."(1 Corinthians 1:25)
Everything I need to teach people the Gospel, I get from God by the way of Jesus. "See, God chooses nobodies to expose the hallow pretensions of the somebodies."(1 Corinthians 1:28). When Jesus selected the disciples He chose ordinary men. Those ordinary men.....full of the Holy Spirit (not human talent or skill) impacted the world so that God alone receives the Glory.
Thank you Lord for choosing this ordinary man!
Transformation House