Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Cost Pt.2

Being a disciple of Christ takes commitment. It requires that we put aside relationships, possessions, positions and our own plans. It doesn't mean that we reject our abilities or interests, but devote all these things to Christ. I tried marriage without Christ....that sucked. I tried to make it all about me. It's much better now that I have devoted it to Christ. My possessions without Christ are all gone. I used to be the boss without Christ and wanted everyone to know. Now, I serve more everyday and don't care if I get noticed or not. My plans.....are nothing without Christ. I wanted to get as far away from Greenville, SC as possible. Now God is using me downtown in the center of Main Street. When I made a commitment to follow Jesus, He took care of all the things I used to put before Him.

When you make the commitment to follow Christ your identity and reputation makes you inseparable from your relationship with Christ.

So how will God view you? Do you follow the crowd or do you follow Christ?

Don't conform to the worldly patterns and cultures. Transform your heart and mind with a devotion and commitment to follow Christ.

The Cost is nothing compared to the Reward.