Let me introduce myself; my name is Chris, son of Lee and Lynnette Stewart.
In Mark 10:46-52 there is a story of a man named Bartimaeus. He was the son of Timaeus. Bar, B-a-r, means son of in Hebrew. In this story Jesus and His disciples were with a large crowd leaving the city of Jericho when Bartimaeus begins to shout out "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Many people began to rebuke him and told him to be quiet. He shouted again, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
The thing that really stands out to me in this story is the fact that Mark wants us to know that Bartimaeus is the SON OF Timaeus. There are several stories in the scripture where the writers don't share the names of others (the poor guy, the widow, the orphan), but Bartimaeus is Timaeus' boy.
No matter our skin color, social background, financial status or our education we are all "Son of someone". Don't place people in a box because of selfish things. That's what happened in this story; everyone in the crowd pushed Bartimaeus to the side because they were embarrassed that again he was begging, but this time for mercy from the Savior of the world.
Jesus stopped and had them call to Bartimaeus. Jesus asked him "what do you want me to do for you"? Bartimaeus said "Rabbi, I want to see." Jesus told him that his faith had healed him, and immediately Bartimaeus received his sight and began to follow Jesus.
Truth is we should all see people as Christ does and love them. Don't let your selfish ways get in the way of empathy.
Bartimaeus got what he needed, both mercy and sight, only because Jesus looked at him as someone who mattered. Jesus asked one simple but powerful question, "What do you need from me?"
We are all Sons and Daughters of someone, and we all matter to Jesus. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask "What do you need from me"?
Love your neighbor!