I constantly have to check myself for any pride that may rise up in me. Pride is everywhere. You know that person who is never wrong and will argue about the smallest things with you? That's pride! You know that person who is extremely competitive and when they lose they get mad? That's pride!
Its even more difficult as you lead people. When you have people following you and good things are happening they start to praise you, look up to and admire you, it's easy for pride to rise up in you. Or, when things start going wrong in that same group, you may start to blame others around you, never looking at yourself, because deep down you don't want to lose your status.
In Matthew 26:31, Jesus tells His disciples they will fall away on account of me for it is written: "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered." Peter reacted to this with pride in verses 33 & 35.
Peter responded in a lot of situations pridefully. I believe Jesus taught him many lessons in this area of his life and finally Peter got it. 1 Peter 5:5 he tells us to "clothe ourselves in humility", and that "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
If pride rises up in any part of your life, grace can't flow in that area of your life.
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