Yesterday I had the awesome privilege of taking my 4 year old daughter to work with me. On the way to work she told me......Daddy, girls talk alot - that's what mommy said. Mondays are very busy for me and she stayed true to what her mommy told her. I remember at one time thinking....WOW, she never stops. I had to wait on her hand and foot all day on top of my work. Every step she took she wanted me to hold her hand, open doors for her, buckle her up, at the playground--swing me, Daddy! So many other things she needed from me. I will not lie, trying to work and take care of her was crazy for me. Then on the way home she told me..... Daddy I can't marry you because mommy said you are her man (Now, I always tell her I will find her a husband that God and I choose for her), but she told me yesterday she wants him to be just like me. That made my day!! As crazy as the day was for me that just made everything in me feel awesome. She understands who I am at 4 years old.... Her Daddy, Mommy's Man, and what she wants in her husband all because of what I do for her and how I treat her.
"The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are or do for him." (Romans 12:3)
WOW! What does God do for you? Who is HE to you?